Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wishes, or just wishful thinking?

Tonight at institute I asked myself the question "How would you live if you knew you were going to die?", meaning you had a couple months to spare; Not places you want to go, or life goals you want to accomplish, but how you would change yourself personally to live out your last few weeks here on earth. With only a limited amount of space in my notebook, I wrote these ideas down-some of these actually surprised me:

-Write in journal (more meaningful/beneficial things)
-Don't hold back
-Share my feelings more openly
-Don't leave things out of place
-Breath deeper
-Dance more
-Roll around in the grass at every possible opportunity
-Read everything
-Learn without restraint 
-Talk to everyone

I don't know about you, but the feeling of rolling around in a yard of beautiful grass is so euphoric! When you see the perfectly trimmed grass and you can't help but throw yourself down in it and start rolling around. It's in those moments when I feel most alive and most like...myself. Then dancing? There are very few moments in life when dancing is an inappropriate thing to do; however, that leaves millions upon millions of other superb opportunities to wiggle, shake, and strut your way into pure bliss. 
Now in days I've been so eager to get my room done, and more than anything I believe it's because I like always having something to do. When I have a major project like this, it leaves me with few spare time-if I let it; be that as it may, my life thus far has been spent harboring hours upon hours in the art of lazy. And might I say, IT SUCKS! Sucketh, suckersticious, just....ugh! I crave change so bad I can see the desire trickling out of my very pores. I believe that's why I'm drawn towards geocaching so much. It screams adventure and even though there are millions of caches out there, there is no such thing as repetition in this hobbie-it just doesn't exist. Caches may be similar, but they're never the same.
Just venting.
It's rather relaxing.

I just don't know how long Heavenly Father is going to keep me here on earth, and I don't think it's going to be as long as others are blessed with, so I'm very eager to try and make the most of it. Like most things, this yearning is easier said than done; however, I am most certain it will work out!

P.S. Is it just me, or does it seem like everyone is getting engaged?! Right now I can think of 5 couples who've become engaged. Guess they want to get hitched and get 'er done before the end of the world next year. Eh, makes sense.

1 comment:

  1. The end was a bit morbid :P haha I sure hope the world doesn't end next year! I have stuff to do! but I love the essential message! You are right we don't know how much time we have left!
