Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I am taken AGAST

I just found out that Shawn is now engaged.
I wasn't expecting to read that, yet it wasn't surprising.
Her name is Ruth.
It's an odd feeling I have right now.
I'm really really happy for him, honestly, but when I think about it my mind feels cluttered in a way. Like it's hard to focus on one thing. My brain literally turns into a girls and it constantly jumping from one thought to another.

" So Hannah, I'm sorry it has taken so long for me to respond to your letter.  I have been really busy.  Most of the time I am at the Ranch, but there has also been a lot going on in St. George during the last while.  About 7 weeks ago I went on a date with a girl named Ruth Janson from my singles ward, and we had such a nice time that we went on more.  After a few weeks we started dating more exclusively.  The last 3 weeks or so it has become more serious, and a few days ago I actually proposed and she said yes!  It happened pretty fast but I feel really good about it. We are both so excited and are planning on getting married toward the end of November. I figured as friends I should let you know. It might make it so we dont write anymore.  I guess you are released from that rain check of playing me in ping pong." 

Isn't it funny how...pattern-esk things happen? You don't hear from someone in a while and it's because they're in a new relationship? Haha, then again, I did that same thing with Malachi when he went into the MTC when Shawn and i started dating. How's more of a patter than I thought!

Anywayz I am quite happy for him.
He was so ready to be married, so of course heavenly father is going to help him with his goals. 
I'm excited to write my congratulations to him, but I have a feeling it will take a long time to write. Haha, wish me luck!


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