Tuesday, September 6, 2011


This past weekend was simple marvelous having the Lowery's with us! Matt and Jaimie got some adorable engagement pictures taken and many important wedding details that could be taken care of were. I can't wait to see who Adam and I are going to marry :) The fact that your family gets to multiply so much is one of the best parts. Sitting in our large recliner just observing my new family working problems out, laughing, and being so comfortable with one another made me so happy! I can't wait till November when we get to be with all our families for a few days witnessing the marriage between two love birds-AHH the thought fills me with so much excitement! Much planning and perhaps a couple more trips between Virginia and Georgia to see each other will need to be prioritized between then and now, but with the powers of Donna and Julie, shoot it'll be done in no time. 
Imagining Matt finally being married will take a while to sink in; it certainly did for Jessica. At least he'll be with Jaimie :) he couldn't have picked a better girl for him.  They're the perfect match.