Friday, September 30, 2011

Strapping on my shoes labeled "Get 'er Done"

Good morning!

It is truly a beautiful day outside. It's one of those perfect days that make you never want to go inside.

Haha, my thoughts are a little scattered and uneven at the moment, so writing in sentences might be the best way to efficiently type them all down. 

Today I should finish the majority of my room in painting. I'm going to work on trim work and the second coat on one wall; After that there will be only one big wall left to paint, and that won't take very long at all :) room makeover running along smoothly.

Today I'm going to go in and get my last check at Vinny's! Enough said :) maybe more details to come.

I want to try and make weekly goals for myself that will extend into long term habits. Such as:
  1. I don't want to watch any unnecessary television; however, my glee, General Conference, online Royal Pains episode, and the occasional History Channel have been pardoned. 
  2. I want to spend less time on Facebook. Now in days many planning and activities are announced through there, so getting on every once in a while is a must; however, I'm upset with myself whenever I wake up and realize I just spent many useless hours strolling through the news feed.
  3. I want to stop being a creeper. The internet allows someone to learn about a person through the social websites, and I'm fed up with myself for taking advantage of the situation and using them for my own selfish creeper desires. If i want to know/learn about someone, I'd rather find out through them-that way you make a new friend without scaring them off...well, hopefully.
We have a relief society activity tonight:a scavenger hunt in the mall. I hope it's a good turnout! Have a fabulous day!

Dance                    Laugh                  Sing!  

Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's A Big World Out There

Look at these baby snails I found on our porch this morning!
After finding one on our walk way I looked around and discovered at least 5 more. Tis is season for snails.

One left a lovely slime trail on my finger, haha.
Cute little thangs. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Jumping into the bowl of Bold

       Good Evening ya'll :)

 I just finished rereading one of my favorite books, "North of Beautiful" by Justina Chen Headley. This book has a strong implication of self reliance, motivation, and finding courage to live your life; Not the way other people expect you to live it, but by the way you expect yourself to live-creating a better you and living to do the things that help yourself as well as create happiness. This has been...probably about the fourth time I've read this book, and each time it never fails to disappoint. Once you close all the pages without any book marks wedged in between the folds of the story, you walk away feeling empowered to take on the world.

I envy people a lot. 

  Carol and Rose at work for having such a natural nack to communicate with the customers.

My friends at BYU-I who get to stay and study their desired major there.

This guy I don't even know for being able to complete a physically demanding challenge not many people get to participate in.

The determination that thrives in my best friends for following their dreams and living with unfathomable determination.

At some point I begin to wonder if the choices I'm making, or want to make, are for my actual benefit, or if I'm making them because of selfish and lazy reasons. Where do you draw the line between making a decision for the right reason and making one because you don't want to take on hard responsibility?   


My new job...I've had more bad days there in 3 weeks than I had in 6 months working at Borders. Every shift I find something else I dislike about it there. Aside from it being a source of income, there are very few good things about it. I only get along well with one co-worker, the shifts completely stress me out (something I'm not accustomed to), I don't understand all the Hispanics that work there, I'm still messing up orders, and I'm just not happy there. From the moment I clock, from the night before, realizing and dreading that I have to work, till the moment I clock out I wish I was somewhere else. It's a place that feels like it's taking away from me rather than helping me to grow. Talk about soul sucking. 
I mentioned to the manager Nick that I might not be cut out for this job after work today, and he's a sensible man when it comes to things that work and things that don't. If I tell him I'm not cut out for the job, he'll understand. Gosh it's so tempting to just call in tomorrow saying this isn't for me and that I quit. 

Every person has their strengths and weaknesses. My co workers are extraordinary! The way they do their work is inspiring, but it's not what I'm cut out for. I wish them the very best along with lots of customers, but I feel this envisioned long term stay will be cut drastically short.
There are tons of people who work well as waitresses, chefs, in fast pass jobs, but in this case I'm not one of them. Why stay at some place when the only person whose benefiting from the job is the bank? My Mom won't be happy, but she'll understand. As will the manager Nick.
Just thinking about not having to go back to work there makes me so happy! Updates will be provided.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Face Lift for my Room

I've finally started painting in my room!
It will be a long process I think just because I'm working so much this week and Jessica's furniture is so dang heavy! Once it's all finished it's going to look great :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Western Road Trip Adventure!

Silly me! I promised to put up pictures from our adventures on the trip home from BYU-I. Here are some photos :)

 Guess where we are?!

 The corn palace in South Dakota!

 A sweet campsite we stayed at to see Jessica in Indiana before she got deployed.

It was a wonderful adventure filled with all sorts of awesome. So glad we got some photo memorabilia of it all :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wishes, or just wishful thinking?

Tonight at institute I asked myself the question "How would you live if you knew you were going to die?", meaning you had a couple months to spare; Not places you want to go, or life goals you want to accomplish, but how you would change yourself personally to live out your last few weeks here on earth. With only a limited amount of space in my notebook, I wrote these ideas down-some of these actually surprised me:

-Write in journal (more meaningful/beneficial things)
-Don't hold back
-Share my feelings more openly
-Don't leave things out of place
-Breath deeper
-Dance more
-Roll around in the grass at every possible opportunity
-Read everything
-Learn without restraint 
-Talk to everyone

I don't know about you, but the feeling of rolling around in a yard of beautiful grass is so euphoric! When you see the perfectly trimmed grass and you can't help but throw yourself down in it and start rolling around. It's in those moments when I feel most alive and most like...myself. Then dancing? There are very few moments in life when dancing is an inappropriate thing to do; however, that leaves millions upon millions of other superb opportunities to wiggle, shake, and strut your way into pure bliss. 
Now in days I've been so eager to get my room done, and more than anything I believe it's because I like always having something to do. When I have a major project like this, it leaves me with few spare time-if I let it; be that as it may, my life thus far has been spent harboring hours upon hours in the art of lazy. And might I say, IT SUCKS! Sucketh, suckersticious, just....ugh! I crave change so bad I can see the desire trickling out of my very pores. I believe that's why I'm drawn towards geocaching so much. It screams adventure and even though there are millions of caches out there, there is no such thing as repetition in this hobbie-it just doesn't exist. Caches may be similar, but they're never the same.
Just venting.
It's rather relaxing.

I just don't know how long Heavenly Father is going to keep me here on earth, and I don't think it's going to be as long as others are blessed with, so I'm very eager to try and make the most of it. Like most things, this yearning is easier said than done; however, I am most certain it will work out!

P.S. Is it just me, or does it seem like everyone is getting engaged?! Right now I can think of 5 couples who've become engaged. Guess they want to get hitched and get 'er done before the end of the world next year. Eh, makes sense.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Not my makeover

I tell yeah, one of my favorite things to wake up to in the morning is rain. It has the most wonderful sound and attitude about it.
This week there is going to be some major redecorating hours being put into my room. It's going to take on a whole new theme: travel. 
Here's a couple of the big changes:
  1. Painting the walls a tanish brown
  2. Switching furniture around
  3. Creating floating book shelves
  4. Adding drapes
  5. Throwing some wall decorations up.
Finally going to make this room look put together for one of the first times in our existence here. The colors will be brown with red as an accent color. At least in my head it looks really amazing :) get that idea put into real life and we're golden! I'll be sure to post pictures. Now off to work. Lets hope this wet, sunless day will persuade people not to go out to eat.