Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wreckin' cars here

I consciously slept through my two classes today. I think I've missed enough classes of my Health and Wellness class to officially have failed. Which is rather sad because it was practically my easiest class. Man I'm stupid.

The dreams I had were really good and interesting-that's one plus about missing my classes this morning. Now that I say it out loud that's a really pathetic excuse.

The 4th of July at Idaho falls yesterday was really nice. The area we were at was so beautiful. Makes me wish I could turn into a tree so I could stay there and appreciate it's beauty every day.

I'm feeling like a lonely girl right now.
Now I can understand why some people are always in a relationship. 
It's like being with a boy fills this large empty space inside of you. Everyone is born with it.
Now that he's gone I feel open and exposed.
In risk of getting a gruesome black disease-but...
I will take care of this space so that when someone comes along who will truly fill that space, it'll be ready.
No one wants to come home to a dirty house.
With me, I want him to feel at home. Another place he belongs and wants to stay...perhaps for forever.

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