Monday, July 18, 2011

It's a Good Awkward Stage Right?

Meaning with Shawn-I feel it's at the transitioning stage of baby uncomfortableness to good friends again. Definitely still planning on writing him that letter; which only leaves me 4ISH days to write and deliver it. Don't judge! It's harder than you think.
 P.S. Miss Brynn makes me laugh into tears! Of which i have shed many tonight.
We're going to be YouTube stars one day...yep...when our video is done ill be sure to put it on here. I hope you like it :) it makes me pee my pants from so many har har's.

Tonight at stadium singing we sang primary songs. It was so wonderful to see grown college kids jumping up in the air to the "Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam" and doing all the hand motions for all the interactive songs. I couldn't think of a better way to end the semester :)

I love writing in this color.
It is currently very late in THE MORNING. Yes indeed. I quite like staying up late some evenings. It when the worst and the bad stuff happens, heehee.
Fun times like tonight make me wish the semester was longer. There is less than a week left i have to spend with the wonderful ladies. Got to make it the best!

At the moment I'm rather unsure about what to talk about...


THIS IS THE END......for now 0_0


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