Monday, July 4, 2011

But of course I would have tabasco sause on my Ice Cream!

 I was about to take a nap when all of a sudden I was hit by an energy of awakness and a drive to write/say/do something inspirational.
Not exactly sure why, but for some reason I feel motivated to-the only problem is...I'm not sure how, to whom, or what to talk about that's inspirational.
Although to be inspired by something, you don't need it to be about a specific...something.
And i don't want to do the whole "type till something comes out of me" deal .

[Honestly I'm missing Shawn right now because we'd be out on a walk or doing something active. I think I'd like to do something...just not by myself]

You know what's weird? (I think I might have talked about this before-if so, sorry!) How your personality can change depending on who you're around. Not drastically, but like you're more outgoing or more quiet just because that's how the people you're around effect how you act.
I terribly miss Gordon B. Hinckley. It's been a few years since he's died, but I miss him so much. Seeing his face or hearing his voice just brings me to tears. Everything about him is so familiar. He's like a home away from home. I've decided when i get home, along with a better picture of Christ, I'm going to get a picture of Gordon B. Hinckley to put up on my wall. Two tremendously inspirational figures put together; it will truly be a figure of love to anyone who will see.

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