Thursday, July 14, 2011

True Love

Today the Lord showed me examples of love that I can't deny. Looking back there were quite a few instances. I just don't want to let those memories get lost to life-neither should this feeling of adoration, love, caring, and appreciation be forgotten. 
-My mom  encouraged me to call a dentist office here. My tooth ache has been really severe lately. It keeps me awake at night and is really painful. The office happened to be able to see me tomorrow morning. The problem will be diagnosed faster than I ever thought could happen.
-My friend Tyson said Hi to me in the gym this afternoon. It wasn't much, but I'm glad he didn't just pass me by. I love the moments when old friends come up and say hi to you-it makes your day that much better.
-Walking home from the gym my fhe sister Ashley came out of her apartment to say hi to me. It made me feel so special that she would come out like that just to talk to me. I appreciated it more than she knows (I'll have to tell her).
-Someone cleared out the dishwasher-thank you.
-Using the amazing internet I found a beautiful song that was on a movie. I like it so much I'm considering it for a wedding song.
-Then...the thing that hit me the most today-brought tears to me eyes, was something so simple...something that barely took any effort.
Randomly checking my Facebook this evening I saw that two of my friends had written on my wall. One from one of my friends little sisters which touched my heart, and another from a beautiful girl who was a Laurel when i was a beehive. She talked about how she's watched me grow up into a beautiful young woman...and I'm not sure why but hearing/randomly getting something like that from made me feel so special and unique. I've always looked up to her and what she's become. She went from being a rebel child to being so close to God and the gospel it amazes you. I'm not sure why these wonderful ladies decided to write on my wall-on facebook of all things-but I am so terribly happy that they did. It makes me feel close to people i haven't talked to in ages. People I never would have guessed missed me or thought anything about me. It makes me want to cry with joy! The small simple things people do really can make a difference in our lives- even if only for a moment, better one terrific moment than one felt alone. It made me realize that God is always with us. He knows what we need and sends us angles to make sure some of the small brief moments here on earth are worth while. Thank you so much. Thank you ever so much. I love this life.

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