Sunday, July 17, 2011

Let's Breath in Life Today, yeah?

I have a feeling today won't necessarily be full of incredible activities, but will be full of life. There's a lot of events that have happened so far today that were really unexpected. The nights not over yet, so adventures are still likely to happen, but I'll tell you what little things have happened today :)
~Was texting my mom all morning about their road trip adventures.
~Had a DELICIOUS breakfast of Carly eggs on toast.
~I ran a mile on the tread mill and didn't get completely exhausted! If anything by the end I was running faster! (Ok so it was because I knew if i ran faster I'd be able to get off sooner, but it still counts!)
~Haha I haven't sung in the shower like that since the beginning of winter semester-IT FELT AMAZING! 
~Figured out how to effectively use a hair curler and will use my new found skill to rock it up at church tomorrow.
~Went to my FHE sister Heather's bridal shower. I LOVE bridal showers! They get me so excited to be engaged and married. Plus being there for the soon to be bride is the best. Seeing her so happy and what not. The weather was perfect (it was outside) and the party was filled with many laughs and games. Water balloon catapulting with towels, volleyball, having the engagee's stuff their mouth with bubbalicious bubble gum if they got questions wrong about one another, and not to mention delicious summer food to eat. Mmm...
~Belting out Disney songs with my FHE sisters on the way home from Idaho Falls.
~Got to watch Legally Blond while writing my missionary friends.
~HOW COULD I FORGET! After working out I came in and Brynn said "I think your phone rang. It's the one with the rave music right?" It was mine so i went over and saw that SHAWN had called! I was like what the poo? I called him back and he had called to say thank you for the months we spent together. He told me about the girl i saw him holding hands with. She really liked him apparently and they got into a relationship really fast-which turned out to be a bad thing. They broke up not too much longer agreeing that there wasn't enough time in the semester to really see if it would go anywhere. Not going to lie it made me really glad that he was telling me about her. Put my curiosities to knowledge about what had been going on. We were on the phone for about 30 minutes just talking about things that had been happening in our lives since we broke up and things that we're doing after the semester. It was really really nice. I consider him one of my good friends-and it's just so dang easy to talk to that boy. 
THEN because I asked him to tell me how a dance thing he was in tonight went, he called me again tonight. I was expecting a text. 

That's all that's happened so far today, but I still feel like something is going to happen even though it's almost 11 o'clock. Who knows what it would be! Heck it could be nothing at all. Guess we'll have to wait and find out ;]

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