Friday, July 8, 2011



Okay so I realized when I go on a cruise I'm going to listen to the song "I'm on a Boat" by Lonely Island the soonest possible moment i can. Preferably as close to the nose of the ship as possible ^_^

Then I also ordered the movie Hot Rod. I don't know if it's funny enough to buy, but I know it's an AWESOME group movie to watch. Plus it has many memories tied to it. Just one to have handy :)

Today was a really good day actually.
Quite productive without being over bearing. In other words I got to party a lot and didn't do much homework; but i did go to both my classes today, that's a good thing.
  • Watched the new royal pains episode 
  • Took a nap
  • Wrote two missionaries
  • Got my project for my friends here underway
  • Went to the plasma center and gots money
  • Watched the Count of Monte Cristo with the fhe sisters and some of their friends
  • Got the mail
  • Watched Conan O'Brien and other funny comedians
  • Did the full out teeth cleaning routine
  • Started a book I got from the library
Not bad eh? Pretty eventful day :) filled with much laughter as well. Tomorrow will be filled with many adventures as well. Least we're planning to have many adventures-peter pan would be so proud of us!

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