Tuesday, December 13, 2011

This Season is Looking Purtier Every Day

These next couple weeks are going to be pretty incredible-not for Christmas...but because of Christmas. Due to this splendorous holiday my older brother Adam will be coming home tomorrow evening, my older sister Jessica will be coming home in a week, and Matt and Jaimie will be driving up from Georgia next week as well! 

It's interesting to think that each person has their own individual love that is felt towards them. I love both Matt and Adam, but it doesn't mean I love them for the same reasons. Oh love. It's such a powerful four lettered word. Huh, I accidentally spelt word as world in the last sentence, but changed it for grammer's sake; but think about it: It's such a powerful four lettered world. When your in love, your in a world completely different than when your out of it. I know I feel mountains different when I'm eating a delicious food, walking down the streets of Downtown Fredericksburg, hanging out with the YSA, being with my family, or making something new than when I'm just by myself finding things to do. I feel like love is a state of being that one can easily jump into at any moment of the day.

Haha, well there's my thought for the day. It is really quite intriguing once you start to think about it. Then like bubbles I feel the different loves can start layering and building on each other. That's when you experience those euphoric, shout out to the world "I love life" moments.

In such cases it's easily to believe that love can never end. 

This weekend the young singles adults are going to see the Nutcracker in Richmond for a branch activity. They've counted that around 45 members are going to be there. For an activity of ours, that's incredible! We're just going to take that theater over. One thing I like about the Nutcracker is that no matter how many times you've seen it before, it doesn't get old. It's like your favorite old sweater, shoot it's like Christmas songs! Just instilling that seasonal excitement within you so much that you can't help but smile the entire time. Being able to watch it with all my friends, and Adam, I sincerely cannot wait.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Life is a Flirt

I tell you what, going to church sure does some amazing things to a girl. I really didn't want to go today. Point blank answer. I had a lesson to teach that I didn't prepare for and overall I was just feeling icky for some reason. I figured using the wedding and the preparation for the  reception and what not would be a perfect and understandable excuse for not going. Oh but did the Lord have something else planned entirely different. 
With faith and dragging confidence I went to church-picked up the fantastic Kelly, got to hear the first act of Swan Lake on the way there, then out of the blue while I was just setting my stuff down on the pew, Becca walks up behind me and asks if I'd be willing to lead the music during sacrament today. I knew how so I said sure, but then...I got to fulfill a childhood dream I didn't realize I'd forgotten about until it was staring right at me. After 15 years of waiting...I finally got to change the numbers on the wall for the hymns we were to sing. Don't ask me why, but something about those ladies who got to mysteriously pull numbers out of no where, change the numbers out so smoothly for the songs, then make them disappear again, I was captivated and couldn't wait until I got my chance. Of course, this would be that incredible day. Your probably laughing at my silly childhood dream, but I'll tell you what, I can live happier knowing that a forgotten bucket list item has been crossed off. 
Waving my hand around in sacrament was actually really enjoyable too. It'll be a first of many I hope; just as long as those songs don't trip me up with their silly fermatas. Not only did I get to sit near the incredibly fun new return missionary whose only three weeks green, but I was able to bear my testimony about the importance of temples and how their multiple effects on me this past month has made me eager than ever to prepare myself to be able to enter into those beautiful houses of God. Haha, as Mom said in one of our recent conversations, "Most girls now-in-days go to the temple to get married, but you want to get married so you can go to the temple." Don't get me wrong, I will be marrying for all the right reason to, I'm not dumb, but I do feel I will be indebted to my future husband for taking me to a place I've dreamed about my whole life. 
Sunday school was wonderful as always, but my lesson in Relief Society turned out far better than I imagined-meaning I didn't have to leave 15 minutes at the end of class for testimonies. In fact, we went over time and had to skip the closing song. The nice thing about Relief Society is that the Sisters do just about as much teaching as the teacher does. Participation in class will make the difference between an unforgettable spiritual experience and just another lesson about gratitude. I love our little branch so much. Staying there long enough has really changed my ideals about what a singles branch is about. Reckon I haven't even been there a full year combined, but the people and the experiences your able to share with them truly make each of them remarkable. I wish never to forget them for the rest of my life.
Just going to church has totally straightened all my emotions out. I feel 100% about the issues I was having trouble with and I'm confident about the positions I need to take. However I'm still undecided about school. I was looking at housing and classes and trying to feel if going back out there is the right thing. A thought came to my mind while looking around on the BYU-I website: that if it was the right place to go the first time, why would it have become a bad decision now? I don't feel there is a bad outcome of staying home or going back out to school, but I am likely to gain something important if I'm willing to put my heart into either situation. Oh life, you tease and tickle me so. I tell you what, life is a flirt. It's a good thing I grew up in a house of flirts and are one to or else this whole life ordeal would be a lot more confusing.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Blessing #1

The Lord has in an unmeasurable amount blessed my life lately these past few days; however the text I got from my brother-in-law this morning would have to top anything since Georgia.

 The idea of her coming home early seemed to be an irrational hope, but now it has turned into an unbelievable dream! That means that all the Stokes kids as well as two new spouses are going to be together for Christmas. This will be the first time that our entire new family will be together. Haha, it's an odd thought to slowly be adding new members to our family, but Ross and Jaimie are incredible people; it'd be hard to imagine our family without them. This is the perfect news to start out the Christmas season. Happy Holidays everyone! Please be thankful for your family, they're the few people we know we'll be with after this life on earth. Love them and don't ever think different or stray from that love.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

104 Thankfuls

I challenged my friend Jennifer and I to write 104 things we're thankful for over this Thanksgiving Break, this is the list I was able to come up with-these are the things that first popped into my head.
  1. Bacon
  2. Wind
  3. Sun
  4. Clouds
  5. Color
  6. Hair
  7. Personalities
  8. Accessories
  9. Purses
  10. Freckles
  11. Facial Expressions
  12. Variety
  13. Cultures
  14. Refridgerators
  15. Cheese
  16. Family
  17. Laughter
  18. Genders
  19. Knowledge
  20. Learning
  21. Metal
  22. Carpet
  23. People
  24. Beliefes
  25. Determination
  26. Service
  27. Charity
  28. Repentance
  29. Music
  30. Harmony
  31. Whistleing
  32. Pianos
  33. Air Conditioning
  34. Love
  35. Stripes
  36. Teeth
  37. Taste
  38. Health
  39. Trust
  40. Smiles
  41. Passion
  42. Desire
  43. Teachers
  44. Decorations
  45. Voice
  46. Sight
  47. Touch
  48. Hearing
  49. Artist Talent
  50. Language
  51. Forgiveness
  52. Watches
  53. Scarves
  54. State/County Fairs
  55. Rain
  56. Thunder
  57. Sweaters
  58. Sturdy Buildings
  59. Hair Bands
  60. Seniors (Graduating)
  61. Devotionals
  62. Smores
  63. Camping
  64. Awkward Moments
  65. Tears
  66. Floss
  67. Onions
  68. Journals
  69. Goals
  70. Kissing
  71. Hugs
  72. Back Rubs
  73. Talent
  74. Christmas
  75. Temples
  76. New Beginnings
  77. Flowers
  78. Testimony
  79. Truth
  80. Mirrors
  81. National Parks
  82. Chairs
  83. Beds
  84. Pillows
  85. Birds
  86. Beebee Guns
  87. Smile Lines
  88. Elderly
  89. Play Grounds
  90. Toilets
  91. Coincidences
  92. Random Laughter
  93. Bobby Pins
  94. Soap
  95. Volleyball
  96. Athletisism
  97. Olympics
  98. Honey
  99. Church
  100. Tame Animals
  101. Inside Jokes
  102. Legends
  103. Change
  104. Sweets

Monday, November 28, 2011

A Chance Meeting

This is for you Cody.

Memoirs of our Georgia Trip

Here are some photos of our trip to Georgia-we went for a wedding and I didn't get one picture of the couple. Terrible huh? I will upload pictures of them later though, so stay updated.

Haha, swinging underneath trees results in some pretty pictures.

Watching the LSU Arkansas game-we will not mention the results...

This is Bubba the alligator! The day we went to see him he wasn't feeling particularly social so this is the best picture I got of him.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Blog Blurg

I love how it is possible to be enthralled by a total stranger. You don't even have to meet them to become completely fascinated about all they are. That's something I admire about the human race: they don't have to meet someone to believe what that person stand for. So many people have faith. A powerful faith that has the ability to change lives.

It just amazes me how much time people are willing to put into the ideals they believe in. Example: The protestors on wall street and soon to be capital. They may be bothersome to those outside their cause, but you gotta give them kudos for their determination and willingness to make change happen.

Humans really are strong. Both physically, mentally, and spirituality.

It's inspiring :)

There's my random blog blurg.
3 days till we leave for Georgia!
Which means,
3 days till a 2 week long party.
C'mon goodness!


Friday, October 28, 2011

What can I say, that's life!

Good Evening :)

Can you believe that we're expecting rain/snow showers tomorrow? For some places that's normal, but for the south east coast at the end of October? Blasphemy. Living here for 6 years the earliest I've seen snow is at the beginning of December. Kudos to surprises! 
Write, type, speak. Words.
In a few days it'll be November. This month has been so looked forward to. I remember in September thinking it would take forever for it to get here; but like all things, we turn around, take a stretch, turn back around and here it is. Isn't it odd that long amounts of time go by fast, and short moments go by incredibly slow?
Matt will be getting married in less than a month and all my days will be dull in comparison to the week that we'll be in Georgia. Haha! I feel like I'm challenging myself. Is there a way I can make the days leading to the wedding just as exciting as the days we're there? If I did, I could feel it being occupied with days where I would go to the gym on base, convincing my family to go to the holocaust museum, making an adorable new apron with equally adorable fabric, finish my room, attempting to get my body super sexy (ha), finding some nice long sleeve shirts for the cold weather ahead at Plato's Closet, finding lamps, blah blah. There are many things that could make these next few weeks exciting, it's just finding a way to make the whole day fun and not just one aspect of it. "Tricky fish! Tricky fish!". Haha we'll see what happens :) dasvidaniya

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Take the Key Out of Your Pocket and Unlock Yourself

It's not so awful to eat a delicious slice of raspberry cheese cake before dinner. I'd like not to think so :) It's like an appetizer that just happens to be a little sweeter than the rest available on the menu. 
I've realized a life pattern that must be accepted when taking on a new goal or challenging a pointless, ingrained, behavioral habit. It can't just be something you feel like doing; A change that could be beneficial; A new style that would be nice to get into the habit of doing. Your desire has to be strikingly more compelling than that. It can't be something you feel like doing, it's something you know has to be done; It's not just a change that could be beneficial, it's a maneuver in your life that desperately needs refinement to create the new soul you aspire to be; You can't just think it a nice habit to bring into your life, it has to be a new dramatic way of living that molds you into the type of person you've always wished to become.
"to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone"
 -Curtsey of Dictionary.com 
We must thrust ourselves into the unknown trusting that the decision we make is going to be right one. There could be endless new possibilities we never would've known existed if not for the alternation one small aspect of our lives. They say change is inevitable, but I believe change can be made extraordinary if we're the ones who decide to make the first step forward into this new frame opposed to blindly being lead by the hands of fate; often tripping along in it's predetermined grasps.
The thing with fate, is that it is constant. People often submerge themselves in fate; believing that whatever is supposed to happen to them will-due to the natural interlocking paths of fate. What I find so appealing about changing ones life is that you find the will power to wrench the reins of life out of the hands of fate, and put the progression of your life into your own delicate but earnest hands; therefore, you make the decisions about which directions to take- whether they cause your wheels of progression to scream at the impact of a tight turn, to spin your world in circles, cause you to rubber neck, eyes blazing with curiosity and spontaneously turn courses, or if it be so that you are content with where you are, to sit and enjoy this meritorious life you've created knowing at any time you have the prestige to make adjustments as you see fit.

Come-Let us break the strands of the rope we've unconsciously bound around our wings. Let them shatter at the impact of desire; falling to the prison which we'll never reside again. Let us take to the sky-after all, we were made for flying. Stretch your wings of potential and let your yearning propel you further into the air. Gaze at the shadow of your wings on the terrain below. Now that your dreams are airborne, why would you ever want to let them fall?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thriving in Fear

“I have never thought much of the courage of a lion tamer. Inside the cage he is at least safe from other men. There is not much harm in a lion. He has no ideals, no religion, no politics, no chivalry, no gentility; in short, no reason for destroying anything that he does not want to eat.” — George Bernard Shaw

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Mortal Instruments

I totally and completely would have been willing to get up when my alarm went off; however, my phone who had a reliable 2 bars before bed died during the night which caused me to wake up about 3 hours later than planned. Your the first I've shared my failure with. Well...Charley can't tell time, and plus I know him, we won't tell anyone. He's completely reliable like that. Woof Charley, woof. 

I just read an email saying the third book to a series I've been reading has come in-so as soon as I'm done writing this post I'm speeding off to the Library. Advantage to waking up late, everything is already open.The three books are called:
City of Bones (When fifteen-year-old Clary Fray heads out to the Pandemonium Club in New York City, she hardly expects to witness a murder — much less a murder committed by three teenagers covered with strange tattoos and brandishing bizarre weapons. Clary knows she should call the police, but it's hard to explain a murder when the body disappears into thin air and the murderers are invisible to everyone but Clary.

Equally startled by her ability to see them, the murderers explain themselves as Shadowhunters: a secret tribe of warriors dedicated to ridding the earth of demons. Within twenty-four hours, Clary's mother disappears and Clary herself is almost killed by a grotesque demon. But why would demons be interested in ordinary mundanes like Clary and her mother? And how did Clary suddenly get the Sight? The Shadowhunters would like to know....) 
City of Ashes (Clary Fray just wishes that her life would go back to normal. But what's normal when you're a demon-slaying Shadowhunter, your mother is in a magically induced coma, and you can suddenly see Downworlders like werewolves, vampires, and faeries? If Clary left the world of the Shadowhunters behind, it would mean more time with her best friend, Simon, who's becoming more than a friend. But the Shadowhunting world isn't ready to let her go — especially her handsome, infuriating, newfound brother, Jace. And Clary's only chance to help her mother is to track down rogue Shadowhunter Valentine, who is probably insane, certainly evil — and also her father.
To complicate matters, someone in New York City is murdering Downworlder children. Is Valentine behind the killings — and if he is, what is he trying to do? When the second of the Mortal Instruments, the Soul-Sword, is stolen, the terrifying Inquisitor arrives to investigate and zooms right in on Jace. How can Clary stop Valentine if Jace is willing to betray everything he believes in to help their father?
In this breathtaking sequel to City of Bones
, Cassandra Clare lures her readers back into the dark grip of New York City's Downworld, where love is never safe and power becomes the deadliest temptation.
City of Glass (To save her mother's life, Clary must travel to the City of Glass, the ancestral home of the Shadowhunters — never mind that entering the city without permission is against the Law, and breaking the Law could mean death. To make things worse, she learns that Jace does not want her there, and her best friend, Simon, has been thrown in prison by the Shadowhunters, who are deeply suspicious of a vampire who can withstand sunlight. As Clary uncovers more about her family's past, she finds an ally in mysterious Shadowhunter Sebastian. With Valentine mustering the full force of his power to destroy all Shadowhunters forever, their only chance to defeat him is to fight alongside their eternal enemies. But can Downworlders and Shadowhunters put aside their hatred to work together? While Jace realizes exactly how much he's willing to risk for Clary, can she harness her newfound powers to help save the Glass City — whatever the cost.
Love is a mortal sin and the secrets of the past prove deadly as Clary and Jace face down Valentine in the final installment of the New York Times bestselling The Mortal Instruments.

They're pretty good books. I thought the second was better than the first, so  maybe the third will be better than the second. Then I think a fourth one just recently came out...Well I be darned there is a fourth one!
City of Fallen Angles
(Who will fall in love, and who will find their relationship torn apart?
Who will betray everything they ever believed in?
Love. Blood. Betrayal. Revenge.
In the heart-pounding fourth installment of the Mortal Instruments series, the stakes are higher than ever.)

Gosh there's 6 books total and the 5th one will come out next May, and the final book won't be coming out till 2013. That's not fair.
Sorry for the promotion of the books-I was only thinking of your reading enjoyment. Now,
To the library, HO!

Enter Clever Title Here

Good Morrow everyone.

I am determined to write a sufficent blog post before speeding onto dream land. These past few days it's been the place to be-so much has happened and waves of people have been there to experience it with me-whether they realize it or not. Congratulations! You could be being dream stalked by me. The creepy part is that neither of us make it happen-unconscious life just wants it's will to be played out that way. Isn't he such a tease? Oh ho ho ho!

Guess what?!

[Actually...don't guess because I'm just going to tell you anyway, so just keep reading.]

My room is practically complete! The painting is done, the furniture has been moved, the drapes have been hung; now it's just down to the little details that are the "pièce de résistance" to making a room 100% perfect. Alas, that's usually the hardest part too. I find that quite ridiculous. And for some reason I can't seem to turn the italics off...honestly I press the button and nothing happens. The computer is duping me! 

Oh, oh I get it. Hardy har har.

 Tomorrow I am also determined to get up when my alarm goes off (7:03 am). Maybe not the first time (ten minutes later), maybe not the second time (ten minutes later), but 20 beautiful minutes later, I am sure I'll get up. Sleeping in just gets so boring after a while. I've so much I could do and accomplish in those few hours in the morning. For me they seem to go by slower than any other time of the day; therefore making me feel like I accomplished many things.

Tonight for FHE we played shaving cream pictionary. It was more fun and challenging than I was expecting. People getting messy, yelling at each other, it's a game that can be enjoyed at any age. The fact that our team won did make it a twinge more exciting as well :) 

Indeed, I'm biased.

Our little Singles Branch is so cute. You fall in love with it so easily. The people are addicting. They create the type of atmosphere where you can't help but love everyone-and they're all so unique. It's rather refreshing at times.

Hark! This post I decree as adequate; time to become dead to the real world and expose myself to the ostentatious life of the dream system.


Friday, September 30, 2011

Strapping on my shoes labeled "Get 'er Done"

Good morning!

It is truly a beautiful day outside. It's one of those perfect days that make you never want to go inside.

Haha, my thoughts are a little scattered and uneven at the moment, so writing in sentences might be the best way to efficiently type them all down. 

Today I should finish the majority of my room in painting. I'm going to work on trim work and the second coat on one wall; After that there will be only one big wall left to paint, and that won't take very long at all :) room makeover running along smoothly.

Today I'm going to go in and get my last check at Vinny's! Enough said :) maybe more details to come.

I want to try and make weekly goals for myself that will extend into long term habits. Such as:
  1. I don't want to watch any unnecessary television; however, my glee, General Conference, online Royal Pains episode, and the occasional History Channel have been pardoned. 
  2. I want to spend less time on Facebook. Now in days many planning and activities are announced through there, so getting on every once in a while is a must; however, I'm upset with myself whenever I wake up and realize I just spent many useless hours strolling through the news feed.
  3. I want to stop being a creeper. The internet allows someone to learn about a person through the social websites, and I'm fed up with myself for taking advantage of the situation and using them for my own selfish creeper desires. If i want to know/learn about someone, I'd rather find out through them-that way you make a new friend without scaring them off...well, hopefully.
We have a relief society activity tonight:a scavenger hunt in the mall. I hope it's a good turnout! Have a fabulous day!

Dance                    Laugh                  Sing!  

Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's A Big World Out There

Look at these baby snails I found on our porch this morning!
After finding one on our walk way I looked around and discovered at least 5 more. Tis is season for snails.

One left a lovely slime trail on my finger, haha.
Cute little thangs. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Jumping into the bowl of Bold

       Good Evening ya'll :)

 I just finished rereading one of my favorite books, "North of Beautiful" by Justina Chen Headley. This book has a strong implication of self reliance, motivation, and finding courage to live your life; Not the way other people expect you to live it, but by the way you expect yourself to live-creating a better you and living to do the things that help yourself as well as create happiness. This has been...probably about the fourth time I've read this book, and each time it never fails to disappoint. Once you close all the pages without any book marks wedged in between the folds of the story, you walk away feeling empowered to take on the world.

I envy people a lot. 

  Carol and Rose at work for having such a natural nack to communicate with the customers.

My friends at BYU-I who get to stay and study their desired major there.

This guy I don't even know for being able to complete a physically demanding challenge not many people get to participate in.

The determination that thrives in my best friends for following their dreams and living with unfathomable determination.

At some point I begin to wonder if the choices I'm making, or want to make, are for my actual benefit, or if I'm making them because of selfish and lazy reasons. Where do you draw the line between making a decision for the right reason and making one because you don't want to take on hard responsibility?   


My new job...I've had more bad days there in 3 weeks than I had in 6 months working at Borders. Every shift I find something else I dislike about it there. Aside from it being a source of income, there are very few good things about it. I only get along well with one co-worker, the shifts completely stress me out (something I'm not accustomed to), I don't understand all the Hispanics that work there, I'm still messing up orders, and I'm just not happy there. From the moment I clock in...no, from the night before, realizing and dreading that I have to work, till the moment I clock out I wish I was somewhere else. It's a place that feels like it's taking away from me rather than helping me to grow. Talk about soul sucking. 
I mentioned to the manager Nick that I might not be cut out for this job after work today, and he's a sensible man when it comes to things that work and things that don't. If I tell him I'm not cut out for the job, he'll understand. Gosh it's so tempting to just call in tomorrow saying this isn't for me and that I quit. 

Every person has their strengths and weaknesses. My co workers are extraordinary! The way they do their work is inspiring, but it's not what I'm cut out for. I wish them the very best along with lots of customers, but I feel this envisioned long term stay will be cut drastically short.
There are tons of people who work well as waitresses, chefs, in fast pass jobs, but in this case I'm not one of them. Why stay at some place when the only person whose benefiting from the job is the bank? My Mom won't be happy, but she'll understand. As will the manager Nick.
Just thinking about not having to go back to work there makes me so happy! Updates will be provided.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Face Lift for my Room

I've finally started painting in my room!
It will be a long process I think just because I'm working so much this week and Jessica's furniture is so dang heavy! Once it's all finished it's going to look great :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Western Road Trip Adventure!

Silly me! I promised to put up pictures from our adventures on the trip home from BYU-I. Here are some photos :)

 Guess where we are?!

 The corn palace in South Dakota!

 A sweet campsite we stayed at to see Jessica in Indiana before she got deployed.

It was a wonderful adventure filled with all sorts of awesome. So glad we got some photo memorabilia of it all :)