Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Blessing #1

The Lord has in an unmeasurable amount blessed my life lately these past few days; however the text I got from my brother-in-law this morning would have to top anything since Georgia.

 The idea of her coming home early seemed to be an irrational hope, but now it has turned into an unbelievable dream! That means that all the Stokes kids as well as two new spouses are going to be together for Christmas. This will be the first time that our entire new family will be together. Haha, it's an odd thought to slowly be adding new members to our family, but Ross and Jaimie are incredible people; it'd be hard to imagine our family without them. This is the perfect news to start out the Christmas season. Happy Holidays everyone! Please be thankful for your family, they're the few people we know we'll be with after this life on earth. Love them and don't ever think different or stray from that love.

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