Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Enter Clever Title Here

Good Morrow everyone.

I am determined to write a sufficent blog post before speeding onto dream land. These past few days it's been the place to be-so much has happened and waves of people have been there to experience it with me-whether they realize it or not. Congratulations! You could be being dream stalked by me. The creepy part is that neither of us make it happen-unconscious life just wants it's will to be played out that way. Isn't he such a tease? Oh ho ho ho!

Guess what?!

[Actually...don't guess because I'm just going to tell you anyway, so just keep reading.]

My room is practically complete! The painting is done, the furniture has been moved, the drapes have been hung; now it's just down to the little details that are the "pièce de résistance" to making a room 100% perfect. Alas, that's usually the hardest part too. I find that quite ridiculous. And for some reason I can't seem to turn the italics off...honestly I press the button and nothing happens. The computer is duping me! 

Oh, oh I get it. Hardy har har.

 Tomorrow I am also determined to get up when my alarm goes off (7:03 am). Maybe not the first time (ten minutes later), maybe not the second time (ten minutes later), but 20 beautiful minutes later, I am sure I'll get up. Sleeping in just gets so boring after a while. I've so much I could do and accomplish in those few hours in the morning. For me they seem to go by slower than any other time of the day; therefore making me feel like I accomplished many things.

Tonight for FHE we played shaving cream pictionary. It was more fun and challenging than I was expecting. People getting messy, yelling at each other, it's a game that can be enjoyed at any age. The fact that our team won did make it a twinge more exciting as well :) 

Indeed, I'm biased.

Our little Singles Branch is so cute. You fall in love with it so easily. The people are addicting. They create the type of atmosphere where you can't help but love everyone-and they're all so unique. It's rather refreshing at times.

Hark! This post I decree as adequate; time to become dead to the real world and expose myself to the ostentatious life of the dream system.


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