Monday, August 1, 2011

Please Read

Men are quite fickle creatures aren't they? They can tear you up from the inside out without even knowing. They can make you soar like when standing on the nose of a boat.They control us with an invisible power most don't know they have.Suspicious huh? They say women are tricky, but I like to believe that men are like spiders. Very gently, they spin a soft, sticky, barely detectable web around us. That's why when we're gone from them we still feel them every once in a while. Their delicate web wont go away in an instant, but slowly over time. We forget about them until we feel the gentle tickle of their memory of our skin. Then after we hurriedly whip the memory off us, we can't help but think of them and all the memories you've spun together. It takes a while for that feeling to go away...but in time it does. Who can say if its fortunate or unfortunate. To some the memories may be harsh and unwelcoming. As to many others, they wish they could hold onto that small, fragile, thin memory-only to dwell in sadness when they see how easily it can disappear. Like a web, a memory of someone can jump suddenly on us, or gently float towards us and caress our skin-leaving a tingly sensation of emotions once felt. That's why a spiders web is in constant repair. We can't live on one set of memories alone, but we must constantly be adding onto what we have. And at times, completely start over. We may loose them, but eventually those threads of memory will come floating back to us once more. That my friend, is where dreams come into play.

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