Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hello.  Bienvenidos.  Konbanwa.  Good Evening.  All of these are ways to say the same thing.  I only know one word in each of those languages.  Just kidding.  That's obviously a lie because I know English fluently, Intermediate Japanese and SUPER basic Spanish.  Fun Fact.  Now that I have your attention, this is not Hannah.  This is her dear friend and roommate, Abbie.  You may know me from past posts such as...I don't know which ones.  Maybe ones about going to Seattle?  Let me tell you a little secret about myself.  I love Conan O'Brien.  He is the most funny person on the earth.  You should like him too.  So check him out because he's great.  Here's another secret.  It's my birthday today.  I be 22.  Weird.  Can you believe that 22 years ago, I came into this world?  I scarce can take it in.  I crossed the Veil of Heaven and came in to this mortal existence.  What a wild ride it has been.  I am so grateful for this life I have been given!  And lest I wax poetic, I shall end this post right here.  Till we meet again, my dear strangers, I bid you...adieu!

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