Thursday, April 5, 2012

My life details in a week

Tomorrow is the official last day of Winter Semester!

I've finished all of my exams and aside from a couple makeup assignments I'm going to be packing and moving my stuff to apt 307 for spring semester for the next two days. It makes me so anxious for spring! I'll be rooming with Abbie and Brynn again, then our old fhe sisters Amy, Ashley, and Michelle. It's going to be such a fun apartment. 

Here, just take a look at these amazing ladies:

Michelle, Ashley, and Amy

Brynn and Abbie

I am such a lucky girl to be rooming with the girls!
I don't feel like I'm near cool enough to even be friends with them.

On Saturday Abbie is taking me home to Washington with her. Ever since I came out to BYU-I every person I've ever met from Washington has been the coolest people ever. (4 girls in our apartment next semester will be from Washington while 2 will be from the east coast). It thrills me to know that I'll be going there and seeing what makes these people so awesome. I bet it's something in the water...or the rain...
We'll be going to Seattle and Portland as well as doing many other exciting things during the week.
While we're in Seattle, I'll be able to cross something off my bucket list: Going to the gum wall.

Gross? yes;
Ridiculous? yes;
Rare oddities in life? yes;
So why wouldn't I want to do it?
It'll be a dream come true!

As of now, I think I have everything in my life under control- Lets hope it stays that way!


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