Friday, July 13, 2012

10 Days and a Wake Up Jitters

The countdown for days until I arrive back home has been an on going event for me as well as the family back home; as my Dad would put it, there are 10 days and a wake up.
I am quite ready to be back home. 
I think this is the longest I've ever gone without seeing them.
I know, I'm an independent 20 year old who should be excited about moving away from my family.
I adore my family more than anything and unlike many people, I can't wait to get back home so I can see them all. They're all my best friends and it's so fun just to BE with them.
Also, the week I get home is when Jessica (my preggers sister) is going to have her doctors appointment to find out what gender her baby is going to be! If I'm lucky and invited, I might get to go to the appointment with her :)
However, I think she's planning a big revealing so she might not want anyone else but Ross (the husband who knocked her up) to go. Either way I am planning on getting footage of the final reveal. It is absolutely would be something that would be fun to look back and watch, especially for their kid. Everyone thinks it's going to be a girl, so we'll see if everyone's right or completely wrong.

Oh by the way, Happy Friday the 13th!
In my mind I've turned the bad luck of today, once again, into folklore.
So many people have which I find very admirable.
But I'm hoping that my luck is pumping full power today.
I hope it's a luck filled day for everyone else as well.
So far so happy :)
Early morning blogging, no classes, and a group date tonight, win!  

Love you everyone, see you soon <3

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Bewitching Beach


Perhaps this is just the overexposure to Pinterest photos talking, but I really want to go there. BAD.
Just everything about it seems to be beckoning me:

the water
the sand
the constant seagull calls
sound of the surf
all the beach bums and tourists
beach fashions
how big the sky looks
all the hotels
tan lines
the weird feeling your skin gets after all the salt water evaporates
flip flops
swim suits
boardwalk food
getting sand in every nook and cranny of my body


Every little bit of it sounds like a dream experience right now.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memoirs of a Ex-Teenager

It is here!
I've crossed the hill into the pivotal age of 20.
All I have of my teenage years are memories, and what memories they are. I love the life I've been able to lead thus far and I KNOW it is only going to get better from here. Thanks for sharing your lives with me-trust me it's only the beginning.